SPCP433.300 Smart PSU(17AH),2-door Exp.
- V54545-C104-A100
The SPCP433.300 smart power supply expander (PSU) extends the acre Intrusion system via X-BUS with a monitored 12 VDC local power
source for
battery management and connected security devices (e.g. expanders) and advanced door control functionality for 2 entry
doors or 1
entry/exit door. The PSU comes in a tamper protected hinged metal housing with space for an optional 17 Ah battery and
3 expanders.
- Certificate - Issued by INCERT on 2022-08-22 - Valid
- Certificate - Issued by ANPI on 2022-08-02 - Valid
- Certificate - Issued by VdS on 2021-07-23 - Valid
- Certificate - Issued by INCERT on 2020-12-28 - Valid
- CE - Issued by Vanderbilt on 2020-09-07 - Valid
- Certificate - Issued by INCERT on 2015-06-05 - Valid