SPCK623.100-N Comfort KP wAudio/CR,Neutr
- V54543-F111-B100
SPC LCD keypad with graphical display/card reader and audio
Vanderbilt`s SPCK620/SPCK623 keypad provides a simple intuitive
interface to the SPC
system. Optimised for multi area systems the keypad provides a detailed
overview of
system status.
Key Features include:
Powerful menu structure
The LCD display, soft keys, and multi-dimensional navigation key is
ideal to
operate large systems or single areas in a user friendly way. Cause and
Integrated Card reader (SPCK623 only)
Can be used for authorization without code for ease of access or with
code for
higher security.
Easy configuration
Can be configured from the keypad or SPC Web interface. The comfort
keypad is
ideal to operate single and multi-area applications in a user friendly
way. The soft
keys and the multi-dimensional navigation key provide an easy to use
system with
minimum operational steps. Customer logo, emergency or quick set
functions can
be displayed in idle state.