ER10-X USB Enrolment reader, EM/M
- V54504-F103-A200
Vanderbilt’s ER10-X USB Reader is a USB enrolment reader used to read
card numbers into various Vanderbilt systems such as ACT Enterprise,
ACT365, OMNIS and SPC. The reader software can be configured to present
the numbers in the correct format for each system.
The ER10-X enrolment reader connects to a PC via USB 2.0 and
automatically loads the required driver for either Windows, MAC OS X or
Linux. When presenting a 125kHz / MIFARE Classic / MIFARE DESFire card
or tag to the ER10-X, the card data is transferred to the PC in the form
of keyboard data. This allows for easy integration with existing
software where card data is usually manually entered into the system.
The ER10-X enrolment reader is equipped with a buzzer for acoustic
indication and a multicolour LED for visual indication.